Home Health 10 Obvious Signs That Your Man Has Stopped Loving You

10 Obvious Signs That Your Man Has Stopped Loving You

10 Obvious Signs That Your Man Has Stopped Loving You

At some point in your relationship you may start to wonder whether your partner truly loves you or not. So below is a list of 10 most obvious signs that your man no longer loves you.

1. Criticizing your appearance.

If your man constantly gives you negative comments about his appearance and even advice that he does something to make you look more attractive, he doesn’t care that he might hurt you with such comments.

2. Discuss your flaws and faults with your friends.

If he constantly criticizes or humiliates you in front of friends or family, it is important for you to reevaluate your relationship and whether you should continue to be with this person. This is a clear sign of disrespect because public humiliation is sometimes used as a way to express declining feelings

3. Reacting to their habits.

We are all different and a loving partner will accept those differences and will be perfectly fine with them.When he doesn’t love you: He will criticize every single thing you do by passing negative comments or even insulting your behavior.

4. How he is attentive to your stories.

A man who has lost his feelings for you will no longer find you that interesting. When you talk to him, he is easily distracted and doesn’t seem interested in what you have to say. Also, he may pretend to be too busy to listen to your stories.

5. Reacting to his emotions.

A loving partner will always see the sadness behind your tears and try to console you. He will offer you his shoulder to cry on because he genuinely cares about you.

When he doesn’t love you: He wouldn’t even bother to ask you what’s wrong and might even get irritated or have an angry outburst, claiming that you cry over everything.

6. Flirting.

Flirting with your partner is important to keep the romance alive. But if you are the one trying to flirt and your partner doesn’t even react to it, you might be worried because there is definitely something wrong with your relationship.

7. Respond to his requests.

If you ask him to do something and he ignores your requests, it shows that your partner doesn’t care about your happiness because he has stopped loving you.

He won’t care because he doesn’t want to. Small requests will mean nothing to him because he doesn’t care about making you happy or helping you at all.

8. Jealousy.

A man who doesn’t love you will never be jealous, even if you flirt right in front of him. He won’t care if you get a call from a male colleague at 11 p.m. because he is no longer interested in you.

9. How he protects you.

A man who no longer loves you will no longer care about your safety. He will not ask you if you are okay and he will not offer to drive you home from work if you stay there later than usual.

10. Express feelings and be kind.

You can forget about your man being affectionate towards you if he is no longer interested in you. He won’t do any small acts of kindness because he doesn’t feel the need to do so.

Source:thelawuniverse.com, usefulgen.com