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10 Things You Should Never Tolerate In A Relationship

Relationships. Something that so many of us are already in or something that so many of us long for.

While we all would love to be in a happy, healthy, loving relationship that unfortunately isn’t always the case. Sometimes relationships may end up becoming toxic and unhealthy and these kinds of relationships are very difficult to recognise.

So, in today’s article let’s take a look at 10 things you should never tolerate in a relationship.

Image source: http://newslabit.hankyung.com/

1. Physical and Verbal ᴀʙᴜsᴇ

Many in relationships and in vulnerable situations, put up with emotional, physical and verbal ᴀʙᴜsᴇ for the sake of being into it, sometimes without even realising it. Yes, it is true that many partners do not even come to know that they are being ᴀʙᴜsᴇd emotionally. If you are constantly put down, or made to feel inadequate, or incompetent, maybe you need to walk out of the relationship, making a choice to respect self.

2. Forced ѕєχ Or Other ѕєχυαℓ Activities

There are times when one doesn’t feel like indulging in the act. If you are constantly asked to do it against your wish, or made to do certain things against your liking, while in the act, you need to reconsider your relationship with the person.

3. Shaming On The Basis of Appearance

If you are with someone who claims to love you, they must love you for the person you are and the body or appearance that you have. If you are with a partner who makes fun of you for the body, or hair you have, or the clothes that you choose to wear, you need to put a stop to it. Tell them that you respect yourself way too much to be reduced to an object. The jokes based on appearances are insensitive, insensible, uncalled for and just plain mean. Never tolerate them coming from your partner.

4. Crossing boundaries.

Does your partner joke about things that you don’t appreciate? Maybe they talk about things that you do not wish to talk about. Maybe they cross physical boundaries even without your consent or try to force you to let go of your boundaries? Or share things about your private life with others despite your protest?

These are only a few examples of when someone crosses your boundaries, and it’s an indication that your partner doesn’t prioritise your emotional well-being.

5. Not acknowledging your relationship in front of people.

If you and your partner are in a healthy loving relationship, there is nothing to hide there.

If your partner becomes enraged when you share your photos on social media or never wishes to introduce you to anyone from their personal life, only takes you out at night to places where no one would recognise you, they are most likely trying to conceal something.

6. Infidelity.

Cheating is a sign of disrespect as well as a breach of trust. If your partner cheats on you, it indicates that they neither value nor respect you.

If they refuse to admit they made a mistake and apologise or continue to sneak around whenever they get the chance, it may be time to reconsider your relationship with your partner.

7. Break your trust

Most checklists of things you should never tolerate in a relationship include cheating. However, life isn’t always clear-cut, and sometimes, we are part of the problem. That’s why the overall arching word ‘trust’ is key.

Also, breaking your trust doesn’t just involve cheating. It could be bad-mouthing you behind your back or not following through on commitments without good reason. There’s actually a fine balance between trust and forgiveness but make sure you and your partner know what’s non-negotiable for you. Otherwise, you’ll fall into bad habits of things you should never tolerate in a relationship.

8. Disrespect

Let’s go back to the question: are tolerance and respect the same thing? Consider the case of a partner who only tolerates you and, as such, spends most of their time judging you and invalidating your feelings. Naturally, you can’t get everything right in life, but that attitude doesn’t respect who you are as a person.

What you want is respect. This means that your partner does more than just tolerate that you might have differences in opinions. They also have high regard for you and all the qualities you bring to the relationship.

References; psych2go.net, marriage.com, youngisthan.in