Our brains may occasionally play tricks on us, leaving us with unanswered questions. While some of life’s mysteries remain unexplained no matter how hard we attempt to understand them, others may be interpreted in our own manner, leading to incorrect conclusions. In this post, we’ve assembled a list of spooky and occasionally terrifying encounters that have left individuals thinking for quite some time.
Story 1:
My father lost his job at the bank when I was 13. We were so impoverished that I would sometimes go to school hungry. On my way home one day, I noticed Dad in a very good red automobile, accompanied by a blonde female.
The next day, I waited in the same area and spotted them again, in the same vehicle. This time, I followed them, and to my surprise, they came to a halt, and I noticed the woman hugging my father. That night, I approached him. He turned to face me, and his eyes welled up with tears. He replied: “Son, I’ve been working as a driving instructor to help pay for our family.” I questioned him and Mom why they hadn’t told me. She said that they did not want to add to my concerns.
Since Dad lost his job, I knew he’d been working extra shifts at a fast food restaurant, and I was always concerned about his already weak health. They knew I’d be even more concerned if I found out he was taking on another job. My parents were attempting to protect me.
I’ll always remember them as the most dedicated parents a child could ask for, both for myself and my four siblings. It taught me an amazing lesson: never be hasty to judge or leap to conclusions.
Story 2:
When I was a youngster, I awoke one night (or so I thought) and heard a flute playing. It sounded like it was coming from just outside my window. As it played, musical notes began to emerge in front of me.
It was so bizarre. I wasn’t terrified; it seemed more tranquil than anything. I’m not sure if I was awake or dreaming, but it was definitely an experience. © EHHH_II/Reddit
Story 3:
When I was approximately 15, I went to bed around 1 a.m. When I peered outside, everything flashed white, as if everything had switched to a negative affect for roughly a second. I slid back into my bed, and it was 7 a.m. within 1-2 seconds.
I was as fatigued as I had been a few seconds ago. I tried informing folks; it’s nothing major, but I’m not sure what occurred. © LOL-seems-legit / Reddit.
Story 4:

Sometimes, just after I wake up from a nap or sleep, I hear my family members conversing in another room, but it sounds like a language I’ve never heard before, as if they don’t realize I’m awake yet and have forgotten themselves… © SrpskaZemlja/Reddit
Story 5:
I once had a student enter into the school cafeteria and stand four feet away from me, gazing around as if she was seeking for someone. I waved, but she went away without recognizing me. Later that day, I approached her about it, and she just replied she didn’t see me while looking.
This, along with the fact that earlier that week, one of my professors had failed to detect my presence and had been in the classroom for the whole day, made me seriously wonder whether I could mistakenly make myself invisible. © Unknown author/Reddit
Story 6:
I have precise and vivid memories of numerous episodes of a non-existent television show.
I sought for this program for a long time. When the internet matured sufficiently to absolutely establish it did not exist, it shook my world and made me understand how delicate memory and perception are. © zeplock22/Reddit
Story 7:
On my regular outings (which included passing by a cemetery), I’d frequently observe a woman dressed in black sitting in a folding chair for hours on end, day after day, at her husband’s grave.
I chatted with her several times, simply to say hi and see whether she was all right. She informed me that there was more vitality at her departed husband’s grave than being alone at home. © Unknown author/Reddit
Story 8:

This has occurred twice. I was in the kitchen at night, and the blinds were closed, but I was to the side of them, allowing me to look out between the wall and the curtain.
Everything I saw outside suddenly became lighted. There is a sensor light on my garage, but I know that wasn’t it. I could see everything in my perspective, including my back yard, the trees in the fields behind my house, and the hills that were kilometers distant. Even now, it scares me. © Scary-Brandon/Reddit
Story 9:
At the lowest point of my life—my father in the hospital, broke as can be, recently fired, recently cheated on, etc.—I met the most incredible and gorgeous girl in the world.
She was in my life for approximately two weeks before inexplicably disappearing just as fast as she entered, but I can’t help but wonder if her presence had a deeper purpose in my survival. © Binarynightmare/Reddit
Story 10:
I had a pretty pleasant dream about a charming guy kissing me, but at the conclusion of the dream, he transformed into an unattractive man. I awoke promptly and contacted my pal some hours later. I didn’t even bring up the dream since I was ashamed, of course. He basically replied, “You’re welcome for the dream, but I’m sorry the ending turned out that way.” © k***eroftherose/Reddit
Story 11:
When I cease using my earphones, I can still hear what I was listening to well. It sounds as if I never removed my headphones. When this happens, I always put my finger in my ear to ensure that I removed them. © LordofCalamity/Reddit
Story 12:
A few days ago, I awoke and told my wife, “I had the oddest dream. “I dreamt I was on the Titanic.” She answered, “…so did I.”
The most bizarre thing was when we checked the news and discovered that it had sunk exactly 100 years ago. And, no, we hadn’t seen any stories about it before. © Hackrid | Reddit
Story 13:

I threw my dog’s chew toy, which fell behind the couch. I reached over the couch as usual to check for it, but it was nowhere to be seen. I looked so hard that I ultimately lifted the entire couch, removed the cushions, and examined wherever I could.
That object has been missing for years, and I can only suppose there is a wormhole or malfunction in the matrix underneath that couch. © SmurfSawce | Reddit
Story 14:
A few years ago, I was walking home from the train station. Then I saw myself from above, wandering leisurely for approximately 100 meters. I couldn’t see what was in front of me; it was like GTA III.
I realized I was back in my body. It was pretty strange. It felt like someone was looking over me, and for a little minute, I assumed their place. © FunnyButWeird/Reddit