3 coffee shop employees ᴘʀᴀʏ together for female customer after learning the truth about her husband
Usually when a drive-thru comes to a complete halt, tempers flare and horns start honking. But as folks waited in line one day at a Dutch Bros Coffee drive-thru, the cause of the holdup was truly beautiful to behold. And thankfully one of the bystanders snapped a photo of the touching moment, which is now making its rounds across social media!
Barbara Danner was in line at a drive-thru coffee shop in Vancouver, Washington when she watched as three of the employees reached their hands out of the window to pray for the driver in front of her.
“Snapped this picture while waiting in line at the Dutch Bros on 138th Avenue today,” Barbara wrote in a Facebook post
The Facebook post explains that the young woman in the vehicle had just lost her husband the previous night. And as she waited for her coffee, grief took hold and she understandably began to fall apart.
“Turns out the young lady in line ahead of us lost her 37-year-old husband last night. When the DB guys & gals noticed she was falling apart, they stopped everything and prayed with her for several minutes, invited her to come back for prayer and support, as well as anything else that she might need. Prayers for the young family, and you know where to stop for coffee!”

Evan Freeman was one of the baristas working when the woman came to their window sobbing.
“She’s like, ‘She’s just having a really bad day. Her husband passed,’” Evan explained. “And as soon as she said that, I was like, ‘There’s nothing more you need to say. We got this. We’re going to do what we do every time we get someone who’s in pain or hurt. We’re going to give them our love.’”
The baristas offered the woman a free drink on them, and also offered to pray for her healing.
“So basically, I just said, like, you know I really want her to have peace over the situation… help the mourning of her and her family,” said Pierce Dunn, another of the baristas who prayed for the young woman.

“If every single person did an act of kindness or just had a smile on their face, the world would be a completely different place.”
Thousands of hearts online offered their condolences for the woman and also praise for the young men showing compassion to a stranger in pain.