Each of the 12 zodiac signs has its own set of characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages. Some excel at hard effort, while others are more intuitive, and yes, some signs are even better at manipulating others.
That is not to say that these signs will undoubtedly manipulate you, or that the other signs lack the ability to manipulate, but when we consider the energy of the various signs and their inclinations, these are the ones most likely to exercise their controlling and manipulative streak.
1. Scorpio

Scorpio, the edgy and elusive sign, takes the top spot. While these intense and loyal people are extremely profound and creative, they are also paranoid and possess controlling tendencies.
Jealousy is a major area of development for many Scorpios, and if they’re going to manipulate you, jealousy is most certainly driving their actions. It is causing trust concerns, and while this is no reason for Scorpio to deceive others, they truly believe they are protecting themselves.
Not to mention, these intelligent people know exactly what to say to get under your skin. They have a remarkable potential for depth, but their tunnel vision can soon lead to obsession—and we all know how obsession can push a person to engage in deceptive behavior.
2. Libra

Are you surprised to find charming, innocent Libra on this list? Think again! While these lovely peacekeepers are renowned to be diplomats who value harmony above all else, you’d be surprised how much manipulation is involved in diplomacy. Consider it the skill of manipulating a compromise.
Speaking to being charming, charm is also manipulative. It comes easy to the smart and gregarious Libra, who is difficult to hate. If you weren’t sure about a Libra at first but now think they’re awesome, let’s just claim it was on purpose. They’ll say things they don’t mean just to keep you happy.
While Libra’s motivations for manipulating differ from Scorpio’s (who is more concerned with self-preservation and obsession), they are still willing to go to any length to keep the boat from rocking and to remain in everyone’s good graces—even if it means manipulating them with their charisma.
3. Cancer

Finally, our bronze medal for manipulation in the zodiac belongs to sensitive and caring Cancer—another sign that may surprise you, given that Cancer is known as the zodiac’s mama bears. Cancer, like a mother trying to calm an unruly child, intuitively knows what everyone needs to hear.
They have excellent recollections and rarely miss a detail. And you better believe they’re preserving their memories to use against you if the necessity arises. Cancer, like Scorpio, is a water sign personified by the crab, which has armor on and isn’t hesitant to squeeze you to protect itself.
While their intuitive abilities might provide comfort and emotional security, if you get on their bad side, they will use that intuition against you—and hit you where it hurts.