Home relationship 4 Types Of Men Who Are Mostly Rejected By Women

4 Types Of Men Who Are Mostly Rejected By Women

4 Types Of Men Who Are Mostly Rejected By Women

1. Lack of confidence.

More than good looks, money, a great job or a sense of humor, a confident man is extremely attractive to women. He is decisive, making decisions without hesitation. He is respectful to women, polite to waiters, charming and a proper gentleman. This is something that all men should strive to be.

2. Men who brag

Men think that bragging about having money, houses or any other materialistic things will convince the lady to accept them, what they don’t know is that they actually reduce their chances.

Take the things you might brag about and downplay them, or better yet, don’t even talk about them until they naturally come up in conversation.

3. Men who have very poor fashion sense

A lot of men intentionally choose to overlook this because they think it doesn’t matter. Meeting a lady for the first time is like going to a job interview, you’ll want to make sure you look presentable to avoid embarrassing yourself.

4. Men who have no plans

When you meet a lady, it won’t bother her if you’re poor or broke, what will interest her is to see if you have future plans to improve your standard of living.

She might agree to date you, but once you get down on one knee to ask her to be your wife, she’ll give you an answer you wouldn’t like to hear.