Home Life 5 most intimate habits that happy couples follow all the time

5 most intimate habits that happy couples follow all the time

5 most intimate habits that happy couples follow all the time

1. Holding hands

Be it a huge party, full of unknown people and strangers or in front of their friends and family members, they will always hold hands. It is a symbol of togetherness for them. To make their partner understand that no matter what, I will always be with you, beside you.

2. Hugging each other

They tend to hug each other when they get emotional. If they are sad or happy, even when one of them is angry with the other, the other person hugs them and it soothes them immediately. People will always open up to only one person. And that person is someone whom they love very much. As showed in a scientific study, hugging someone calms their nervous system so it is logical too. When someone cannot express their emotion properly or suffering from major problems, all they need is a hug from someone whom they love and who loves them back.

3. Kissing on the forehead

Even if they are not so the touchy-feely type of couple, kissing their love on their forehead is another way to show their affection. It shows that he or she cares for you. A kiss on the forehead can always make everything much better. It shows that he or she will be with you and you will face the obstacles together.

4. They always keep in touch, in any way possible

It could be by calls, messages or even physical touch. There is always something to talk about that they cannot wait to be with each other physically and emotionally alone to communicate. They phone to check on their partner to see how they are doing and when they return, if they are safe, if they ate anything, what are they doing and how they miss them, they talk about how their day went. Intensely connected couples are not ashamed to touch their partners in public.

Most times it is even done unconsciously as it has become a habit. They know how to express intimacy, both physical and emotional with their partners, how to touch them and be touched. The touch of a hand is quite a powerful tip to nurture intimacy; take your partner’s hands and hold them while taking a walk or even while cuddling in bed or when you are reading books and he’s doing his work. This brings you closer and shows that you want and value them.

5. They solve arguments together and does not take any conflict seriously

Conflicts are unavoidable but intensely connected and happy couples don’t scramble from conflicts, they grasp them and face them head on. They don’t save histories of error done to them by their partner, they sometimes ignore the mistakes of their companions for peace and stability to reinforce. They don’t examine implying to every word spoken in anger to them, instead they try to comprehend why the partner respond in a certain way and try to detect through the outcomes.