Home Funny 5 obvious signs your man is fantasizing about another woman

5 obvious signs your man is fantasizing about another woman

It’s in women’s nature to suspect that their men are thinking about other women. Although this fear is often unfounded, how does a woman know whether her suspicions are more than just a hunch?

In the below article, we will show you some signs men are fantasizing about another woman as reported by Famifi.com

1. He no longer talks to you about things that matter in life

Has the man stopped talking to you about the future? When a man no longer wants to talk about his future life it means he is not interested in your any more. There are chances he is thinking about another woman. Be careful when dealing with such a woman.

2. He watches ᴏʙsᴄᴇɴᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ when alone

He will watch pσrn cσntєnt if he is thinking about another woman. A man who watches pσrn is hard to love. He has too many expectations in life.

3. He gets defensive of other women near him

He will become too defensive when he is in love with another woman. He tries every time to ask you not to talk about her. The women in his life are his own business and he does not want you to interfere.

4. He values friends more than you

A man thinking about another woman values friends more than you. He will not create time to be with you. He spends most of the time with his friends. He rarely comes home on time.

5. He looks absent-minded whenever you are together

How does he behave when you are together? An absent-minded man is always thinking about someone. He could be thinking about other women in his life. If this becomes common, be careful the way you relate with him.