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5 Signs He Isn’t Good Enough For You, Even If You Love Him Deeply

5 Signs He Isn’t Good Enough For You, Even If You Love Him Deeply

1. He is making minimal or no effort

While you are out there doing your best, he is hardly doing anything. He is there, but he always has one foot out the door.

He texts when it’s convenient and when he wants something from you. He has a habit of ignoring your texts for hours or even days.

He always relies on you to take the initiative. You are the one who has to come up with up-to-date ideas. You are the one who goes the extra mile to make your relationship more fun and engaging and he prefers to do nothing.

Don’t settle for mediocre men, low investments or love drops. You deserve so much more.

2. He ¢нєαтє∂ on you

If you ever think of forgiving a ¢нєαтer, remember that one of truth mates don’t cheat on each other. Nor ever.

Once he betrays your trust in this way, there is no going back. His actions cannot be undone. You will always doubt him. You will suspect his every move.

3. He plays the victim masterfully

He manipulates every fight by placing the blame on you.

To him, this is easier than admitting that he hurt you and saying, “I’m sorry.” He simply doesn’t believe anything is your fault and will do his best to convince you of the same.

This is extremely emotionally draining, not to mention unfair. If it’s up to him, you will always be the one making him wrong and not understanding.

4. He has a habit of making you feel bad about yourself

Life is hard as it is, without having someone to belittle you and
Your forever person will never take advantage of your insecurities to make you feel less or to boost your ego.

Your forever person should be your safe haven, someone who makes you feel beautiful and unique, someone who makes you feel like you are mostly on cloud nine and nothing less.

5. He is inconsiderate

He lacks empathy and he never sees how his actions affect you.

All he cares about is his comfort and happiness. He is not present on your bad days. He doesn’t hang around through your meltdowns.

He is there for the good times and nowhere when you need him most.