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5 things a man does when he hasn’t forgot his ex girlfriend yet

5 things a man does when he hasn’t forgot his ex girlfriend yet

1. He is still in contact with her, but you are out of the loop

If your man is texting her or having dinner with her and hiding it from you, that’s a big red flag. If they’re truly friends, then at some point he would want the two of you to be friends, or at least friendly. At the very least, he should be honest about who he’s hanging out with.

2. He Compares the Two of You

“One sign that your partner misses their ex is that they openly compare you to them,”, according to therapist and relationship expert Sarah E. Clark. “Even if they are complimenting you in the comparison, it is typically not a good thing. It’s natural to occasionally think about and compare or contrast things about the people we’ve dated, but if your partner voices those comparisons, it means that they are thinking about them more than what is healthy.”

3. He still keeps some of her old stuff

If your man just can’t seem to part with the creepy teddy bear she gave him or he still has a stack of her clothes in his drawer, you might want to re-evaluate your relationship. There may be some other reason he’s holding onto her stuff—like maybe he snuggles the teddy bear at night or he’s hoping she’ll come back and start using her drawer of belongings again.

4. He likes or comments on her social media

If he is still liking all his ex’s pictures and commenting on them, it may be time to casually ask him what’s up with that. While a lot of people insist that liking someone’s picture on social media is innocent, it’s still possible to like a picture without liking a picture. The difference? You’re letting the person know you like it. Why does he need to do that? That’s a question you need to ask him.

5. He hasn’t removed her pictures from social media

This e is a definite red flag. If your boyfriend still keeps cozy and lovey-dovey pictures with her on his social media, he’s clearly not over her. When you confront him, he tries to stall you by making excuses like “It’s a good picture”, “She’s just a friend now” or “It will look rude”.

And if you catch him looking at those pictures sometimes it could be a definite one of the signs he is missing his ex. Treat it as the warning sign it is – you may just well be a placeholder until he can figure out a way to get back together with his ex. That’s not how you deserve to be treated in a relationship.