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5 Things All Men Want in Their Woman Especially When They Reach 40

5 Things All Men Want in Their Woman Especially When They Reach 40

High value men of all ages seek certain qualities in a woman. They seek a high value woman who is an equal and a seductress who turns them on but is also a solid rock (or a safe place emotionally) for them.

Men in their 40s want what every other man wants, they just lean towards an emphasis on the mature aspects of a woman.

Here’s a look at the high value traits in a woman that lead to long-term potential with a man in his 40s.

1. Loyal

Everyone wants their partner to be loyal to them. But young people may overlook this in want of other elements. But a 40-year-old man has enough relationship experience to value the real deal.

Most have had experience with disloyal partners in such a long dating career. And that has made them appreciate loyalty a lot more.

They want someone reliable and trustworthy. Men don’t wish to be worried about their partners all the time. And they don’t have the desire to manage their woman’s conduct around others.

2. Fun

In their 40s, the men have already been through a lot of hardships. So, they don’t want their relationship to add to it.

They like women who love to laugh and do it often. They want to be around someone they can enjoy and who makes them laugh.

Everything in their other areas of life is so sober that they desire to be playful with their partner. And a shared sense of humor allows them to be comfortable around their partner.

3. Understanding

Every adult carries some baggage from past relationships. But most men in their 40s have some extra responsibilities — kids.

If you want to be with men who already have kids, you can’t act like a kid yourself. You’ll need to understand that the kids may be essential to your partner’s life. You can’t be jealous of the kids.

You need to accept them with everything. You may not be their priority, so know well before partnering with such men. But don’t try to sabotage their other relationships. You may end up self-sabotaging.

4. Compassionate

Men in their 40s need warmth from their partners. They like to be with someone who’s naturally loving and caring.

You don’t need to be motherly with them but understand that no one likes to be treated coldly — especially by their partners.

They want someone who is emotionally mature and doesn’t need unhealthy ways to find love. So the warmth in your heart may attract them more toward you.

5. Supportive

The men have lived for over 40 years. So, naturally, they’ll have some set patterns governing their lives.

You may desire them to be a certain way. But change is difficult for everyone. Let alone a man with such experience. So communicate your wishes but also try to understand their life better.

They’ve had their fair share of traumas that prompted their way of living. So, unfortunately, you can’t suddenly waltz into their life, demanding them to change. Most likely, they won’t ever.