Home Life 5 things women do that make them lose their man they love

5 things women do that make them lose their man they love

5 things women do that make them lose their man they love

1. Lack of reciprocity

A man wants to feel loved, and wants to know you are feeling him. He wants to see an effort in you too. Don’t just carry your leg up and talk about how you want to be treated like a queen and more when you do nothing for him.

2. Unrealistic financial demands

You want to place all your financial burdens firmly on his shoulders, asking him to pay for everything you own and wear and even debts you incurred before you met him.

Of course, being with and wanting a generous man isn’t a bad thing. More so, a man who loves you will like to provide for you, but those demands you make considering his income and how recently you just met is a red flag.

3. Immature behaviour / Lashing out

Shouting, blocking his number, walking out, mood swings, going off at him or other people are big red flags and frankly speaking, it’s toxic.

When you act like a child instead of a woman who can communicate her emotions, any self-respecting man will take a step back.

4. Acting hard and bitter

Experiences might want to harden you and make you feel all men are the same. Don’t let past experiences change you, you can learn from a mistake without letting it define you.

5. Poor hygiene

Every man wants to be with a woman who is physically attractive. So, you have to look and smell good. Pay special attention to how you look, buy beautiful gowns, outfits and, make your hair. Not just for him, but yourself too. You are happier when you look good.