Home Moral Stories 5 Things Women Do That Shatter The Ego Of Their Man

5 Things Women Do That Shatter The Ego Of Their Man

5 Things Women Do That Shatter The Ego Of Their Man

Ladies, there are many things that you might be doing, unknowingly or not, that might be stepping over his ego, and might be leaving him feeling emasculated. Below, we will tell you 5 things you should avoid doing as well as a few tips on things that you need to put in check when it comes to handling your man, and his ego.

1. Take singlehanded decisions

Taking all the decisions on your own is actually hurting your man’s ego. You might be independent, but when it comes to relationships, particularly marriage; it is always good to talk things over with your man first, before taking any decisions.

2. Complain about his salary

It is true that money is the root cause of every evil. So, if you are complaining about his salary and giving him evil looks, this is surely a way to emasculate him. Every person has different goals and priorities in life when it comes to making money; and if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say it at all. Never say ill about his earning potentials.

3. Get personal in any argument

He might have made a bad judgment in his past, he might be earning lesser than you, he might be a mamma’s boy, or he might not be physically strong, but there is no need to bring these up while arguing. Never bring up these issues when you have a heated argument with him. Stick to the problem at hand, instead of making nasty comments about his nature or past. This will only backfire on you, big time!

4. Lie to him

This painful technique, which breaks him, and your relationship down, is quite similar like slow poisoning. The cloak of trust is fragile one indeed, and even the tiniest little white lie can tear that cloak beyond repair. Always try to be honest and authentic.

5. Compare him with others

Try never to compare him with your friends, your brother, or your ex. They might have done better than him, they may be Mr. Perfect, but making comparison will bring negativity into your relationship. Rather than comparing try to appreciate him and tell him that you are grateful for his existence in your life.