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5 Warning Signs You’re Sacrificing Too Much in Your Relationship

5 Warning Signs You’re Sacrificing Too Much in Your Relationship

A healthy relationship should consist of two people committed to each other who meet each other halfway on any issues or decisions.

If you feel drained in your relationship, or feel that your partner takes more than you give, you are probably making too many compromises to make this relationship work.

Always stay true to yourself and never sacrifice yourself for anyone else. Here are 5 warning signs that you are sacrificing too much in a relationship:

1. You unconsciously make your partner’s responsibility yours.

Loving someone doesn’t mean you should always make sure they are happy. Your partner’s emotions are theirs to manage. You can provide support and encouragement, but in no way should you try to take over their feelings.

2. Grant often

They never want to meet you halfway, and see the relationship as a one-way street. They expect you to bend over backwards for them, but are not willing to do that for you.

3. You don’t feel happy inside

When you are in a relationship, you should be both of yourself and your partner as a team. You no longer see it as a commitment. You feel like you have done so much more than your partner. But that’s impossible to do when you have too much resentment inside you towards them.

4. You’ve been asked to change important things about yourself

No relationship is worth changing at your partner’s request. Even if you truly and deeply love the person, they obviously don’t truly love you if they don’t absolutely adore the person you already are.

5. You don’t support their lifestyle

Although they can make their own decisions, it will inevitably cause turbulence in a relationship if you don’t share their views. You deserve a partner who wants to go in the same direction as you, so don’t settle for anything less.