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5 ways to make your man worry about losing you and value you more

With the right tools, you can foster a positive relationship with your partner – a relationship that he will value and wouldn’t want to let go.

Below are effective ways to make him worry about losing you

1. Stop reassuring him that you’re waiting for him… be elusive.

STOP sharing your schedule with him and STOP telling him your plans, as if you’re still in a relationship.

This is the cost of independence, after all. Him being entitled to his privacy and you to your privacy. In fact, the less you say, the better. Because if he senses you’re keeping something from him or that you’re interested in more exciting opportunities, THAT’S when the fear of losing you really kicks in.

2. Get busy and make him work to get your attention.

Don’t be there for him if and when he’s ready. Do the opposite and get busy with your own life. Give him his independence as he requested but get busier with yours. Make yourself unavailable by planning full days of activity. Letting him know that he can’t reach you whenever he feels like it, is the best way to reassert your value. He had to work hard to first get your attention. Now he has to work hard once again to keep your attention.

3. Tickle his jealousy bone and remind him how attractive you are.

Simply talking about how attractive or witty another man is will make him see green. The more he seems to ignore you, the more you should research all these other romantic opportunities.

Some women even choose to start flirting with other guys in front of him. It’s a not too subtle reminder that if he’s so unhappy, plenty of other men will appreciate your good qualities. I personally would advise NOT to do this. Most women screw it up and it can create a lot of resentment with a guy.

Instead, you should make him jealous of and compete for your time and attention spent away from him. You should build an abundance of connection with other people including other men, coworkers, friends, friends of friends, etc. Let him work harder to impress you and fight for your attention and time spent with him.

4. Invest more in self-improvement and make him crazy.

Start working out away from him. Start taking vacations without him. Start a new hobby or reach out for a promotion and don’t share your victory with him.

Doing things to better yourself makes him want you more…but excluding him from your life coyly lets him know that it may be too late to get you back. The more successful you appear to be without him, the more he realizes he might have made a big mistake.

5. Stop giving him the things he used to love. Stop showing him you care, even if you still do.

You need to show him that you don’t care or that you care LESS now that he’s undecided about this relationship.

Stop doing the things he depends on you to do, or that he likes. Stop giving him all this attention if he’s made it clear to you he’s unhappy with the way things are. Sure, you still care about him…but stop showing that you care, by remaining so fawning and adoring and apologetic.

This is about giving him what he wants. Space. Independence. The glimpse of a life he could have without you in it.

This is what should scare him into fighting for you because he is starting to sense that your heart is leaving him. And yes, this is precisely what happens when a woman does stop loving a man. She stops doing things he loves and they stop communicating so deeply. This will continue until he decides to chase you again, until his heart is in it again.