Home Health 6 morning habits that can make you gain weight and put you...

6 morning habits that can make you gain weight and put you at risk of developing many health issues

How you start your morning can determine how the rest of your day will be. A healthy morning routine is the key to maintaining a healthy mind and body. On the other hand, beginning your day with unhealthy and disorganised morning rituals may wreck your health. Snoozing the alarm button several times in the morning, drinking coffee or tea first thing in the morning, skipping breakfast many people makes these morning mistakes. These unhealthy morning habits can not only make your day more stressful and less productive, but also put you at risk of developing many health issues. Your morning mistakes can also hamper your weight loss goals. Here are some morning habits that can make you gain weight.


1. Sleeping too much

Oversleeping is one of the main reasons that you are not losing weight anymore. It can in fact also cause weight gain. Oversleeping is categorized as sleeping for more than nine hours a night. However, if you sleep less than seven hours a night, it might be harmful to your body too. This is aggravated in people with a genetic risk of obesity. Napping during the day is also known to have an adverse influence on your weight.

2. Skipping water in the morning

This morning mistake affects your waistline more than you can realize. Water is essential for every biological function in the body, from flushing wastes from your colon to efficient metabolism, which allows the body to burn more calories. Inadequate water intake can lead to dehydration and slow metabolism, which means fewer calories burned and that results in a bigger waistline.

Start your day with a glass of warm water and make sure you drink enough water throughout the day to stay well hydrated.

3. Starting your day with wrong foods

Choosing the right foods in your breakfast meal is very important to maintain your weight in the healthy range. For example, a high-protein breakfast can promote you weight loss. But most of us aren’t getting enough of this nutrient every morning.

Avoid eating a large high-fat, high-sodium breakfast as it can give you a bloated belly and make you feel sluggish all day. Also, too much fiber in the morning will make you gassy.

4. Skipping breakfast

No matter what anyone says you should not be skipping breakfast. Not having a meal in the morning affects your metabolism and can also disrupt your body’s internal clock. This leads to a higher possibility of gaining weight. Skipping breakfast also leaves you depleted and lethargic throughout the day. You might crave junk food throughout the day which also increases the chances of weight gain.

5. You check your phone first

Don’t get distracted by your phone in the morning. It’s better to start your day with stretching and a healthy breakfast.

6. No stretching

Stretching exercises are important for warming up before and cooling down after an intense workout. This goes a long way in reducing aches and injuries. Stretching is also important for you to lose those extra inches. A few minutes of stretching in the morning can go a long way in reaching your weight loss goals. Yoga is an amazing way to help you burn fat if practised regularly.

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Article source: timesofindia.indiatimes.com, thehealthsite.com