Home relationship 6 signs your man is secretly unhappy with you

6 signs your man is secretly unhappy with you

6 signs your man is secretly unhappy with you

1. Frequent mood swings

If your man is in a bad mood every day and you can’t do anything to cheer him up, it’s a warning sign. Find out the reason and try to help your man deal with difficult times. If you’re the one spoiling his mood, then it’s probably time to leave him alone.

2. He avoids you

If he starts spending more time with his friends than before, it could be a sign that he is no longer satisfied with you. Also, if he finds new and new excuses to avoid you and you rarely see and talk to him, it’s a sure sign that your relationship is over.

3. He’s trying to change you

If your boyfriend is trying to change the way he behaves or the way he is in general, it definitely means that he is unhappy in your relationship. Love yourself, respect yourself and don’t allow anyone, including your man, to ruin your individuality. Discuss things that you both want to change and think about what each of you can do to improve your relationship without making a sacrifice.

4. He’s too quiet

He stays silent and seems thoughtful. You can ask what’s going on, but I bet he won’t answer. Give him some time to get his thoughts in order and deal with his problems on his own.

5. He stops texting you.

If your man isn’t texting you as much as he used to, he may just be taking a break. He may have problems at work, college, or some family issues. If everything is still fine, he doesn’t call or text you during the day, maybe your man isn’t interested in you and your relationship in general.

6. Malicious comments

He can’t just say he feels miserable, so he says things that can help you figure that out. Men tend to hide their feelings, so they make snide comments to show their dissatisfaction. Pay attention to those comments. If you see that he is trying to tell you that he is no longer satisfied with you, say so yourself. Women are braver than men, which is why we are usually the ones who break up with men.
