Home Health 6 things every man wants their woman to do while kissing

6 things every man wants their woman to do while kissing

Ladies, you’d be quite surprised by what guys want girls to do while kissing them. Yes, there are so many variations you can add to your plain ol’ kissing! Check out 6 things every man wants their woman to do while kissing to ensure your next makeout session turns hot!


1. Change your Position

Your guy must not be on top at all times. He might get tired someday, why don’t you shake things up a litle, try climbing on top of him why making out.

2. Nibbling

A little biting and nibbling would do the job, try and give it a try and thank me later, it will be fun, trust me.

3. Using your Tongue while Kissing

Using your tongue while kissing your man will be a shock to him and also it will drive him crazy, so try and use the right amount of tongue, it can be pleasant you know.

4. The Lower Lip

Take your time and put effort in the lower lip, it is more sensitive and juicy too than the upper lip so don’t ignore it while kissing your man. Please take it gentle when doing that you don’t want him to go back with puffy lips.

5. Speed Change

Guys love it when you change your speed like going slow and steady for a while then you go fast then come back to slow. Men do love this, trust me I do love it too (Smile).

5. Using your hands

While your lips are busy, your hands can do some work to turn him on further. Guys love it when you run your fingers through their hair. You can move then around his neck and ears and then slide them down to his chest and arms or back. If you can reach his waistline, move your fingers there but don’t reach his pants. Save that for later.

Sources: popxo.com, thehealthsite.com, ng.opera.news