Home Moral Stories 6 traits that make a man undesirable to women

6 traits that make a man undesirable to women

6 Traits that make men undesirable

1. Arrogance

Some men think that by being arrogant they earn respect or fear from people, but on the contrary, nobody wants to stay with an arrogant man.

2. Laziness

People naturally detest laziness not speak of it as a man. Lazy men are not considered to be part of the game.

3. Clingy

If you think it’s only women that are clingy, then you are wrong. Clingy men can be very annoying. They are close to being obsessed. Any man who possesses such traits is usually avoided by other people.

4. Dishonest

Nobody wants to be close to a dishonest man, especially in a relationship. Dishonesty brings distrust and makes people find it difficult to trust you because they will hardly know when you are being true.

5. Aвυѕινє

Aвυѕινє men are usually avoided like plaque. Whether physical or verbal aвυѕe, aвυѕive men are detestable.

6. Excessive drinking and smoking

No person would want to be associated with a heavy drinker or smoker. It can be a major turn for ti many people. Keep drinking moderately if you must ne be loved by people.