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6 Ways To Get Your Man To Chase You Again, Like He Did When You Started Out

6 Ways To Get Your Man To Chase You Again, Like He Did When You Started Out

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You want your boyfriend to pursue you again, you want to feel loved, valued and needed. For some reason, what you’re doing isn’t working and that brought you here.

1. Stop chasing, stop squeezing, stop talking

How the hell does he chase you if you chase him? The tighter you squeeze, the harder he’ll wiggle to get away. And he’s likely to have talked the subject to death. The more you try to talk to him about it, the more likely he is to pull away.

2. Dressing Up – Looking Sexy, Staying Sexy

Make sure you always keep yourself looking great, this will ensure that every image of you that he can imagine or look at looks great.

3. Let Yourself Be Him & Make It About Him

If you want your boyfriend to pursue you again, you need to accept him for who he is. The point is that you need to stop trying to fix him, change him, dress him up, or change the way he acts.

Doing it for him means being there for him. If he’s having a bad day at work, if he’s stressed about something, etc., you need to listen to him and be there for him. He will begin to realize how valuable he is to you again.

4. Let him know that you are desirable to others

Don’t brag, don’t boast, don’t encourage… but don’t be afraid that he will find out how much other people think you are.

5. Shake off the Rust

Go see your friends without him, make plans for a girls’ night out on the town, go see a movie, create a hobby. Showing him that he has a life outside and around him will make him even more desirable and interesting, and that’s really very sexy.

6. Focus on your happiness

There’s no better way to make a guy pursue you than to focus on yourself. If you show him that you are happy with the circle of people you have in your life and that you don’t need a man to complete you, that will make any man willing to pursue you.