Home relationship 7 Signs He Don’t Love You, He is Just υѕιиg You

7 Signs He Don’t Love You, He is Just υѕιиg You

7 Signs He Don’t Love You, He is Just υѕιиg You

1. Meeting only when he is available

Your partner not making an effort to meet with you when it is convenient for you and him, can be a problem. If you both meet only in your own time and on your own terms, it’s unfair.

2. You’re making excuses for being treated badly

You make excuses for your bad behaviour, or pretend it’s not happening at all. You’re always explaining to your friends that your partner is just tired or stressed – saying that’s why they’re being rude to you or not making the effort.

3. You always end up doing the Devil’s Tango

If he’s making time only to sleep with you, he may be interested in physical íntímαcч rather than a committed relationship. If you both get together and he just wants to jump your bones and then leave, he’s υѕιиg you.

4. He makes you feel small

If you’re constantly feeling small, disillusioned, let down – you know – you need to take a look at the relationship. Something is really wrong and there’s a good chance you’re being used.

5. Your friends and family are worried

When you’re being used, you may not want to see something that’s right in front of your face, but your friends and family won’t have the same problem. So if they are worried about you, you should really pay attention. They usually have a more objective view of the situation and have your best interests at heart.

6. Your needs are not being met

You’re the one who’s always making the effort. Whether you’ve been dating for a long time, it should remain a two-way street. Your needs are not being met or that you are becoming resentful, something is up.

7. You’re not comfortable with the way the relationship is defined

If you’re not comfortable with the relationship and they know you want it more than they do, they’re υѕιиg you.