Home relationship 7 things you shouldn’t compromise in your relationship

7 things you shouldn’t compromise in your relationship

7 things you shouldn’t compromise in your relationship

1. Yourself

Just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you have to lose yourself completely just to please your partner. A good, healthy relationship does not require you to do this. Don’t change who you are for someone else. You can only improve yourself to improve yourself and your relationship.

2. Self-esteem and self-worth

If someone goes out of their way to make you feel bad about yourself, they are not the right person for you. In fact, a partner who loves you would never put you down and make you feel bad about yourself, or make you feel like you are lacking or not good enough. If he or she does, you are probably with the wrong person.

3. Dreams, goals and passion

You are entitled to your dreams for the future. Dreams don’t always come true, but it is your right to pursue them. If you have a great passion for something really good, your partner should always support your dreams and be your biggest fan.

4. Your independence

Some women have had to give up their financial independence to protect a man’s ego. Some men want their wives to be completely dependent on them so they can control them. This is a mistake that many women make. Giving up their financial independence just because a man can’t stand them earning more.

5. Your family and close friends

Before you met your partner, you had a family that you grew up with and that helped you become who you are. And you also had very close friends. And now your partner has arrived and you want to throw all that away because your partner has problems with them?

6. Your core beliefs and values

If your partner is trying to bend you to their will in terms of opinions, ideas and values, it may be a sign that they don’t see you as an equal in the relationship. Your partner should be able to accept all of you and engage in discussions that can keep you both mentally engaged and stimulated, even if they have different opinions.

7. Your Happiness

You should never compromise your happiness to please your partner. It’s not healthy for you and it’s obvious that your relationship won’t be happy if you have to keep doing it.
If you are not happy in a relationship, you are not with the right person. So never give up your overall happiness for anyone.