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8 Behaviors That Help You Build Trust In A Relationship And Make Your Relationship Last

8 Behaviors That Help You Build Trust In A Relationship Faster Than Others

1. Admit your mistakes

We all make mistakes, but not everyone is willing to admit them and take responsibility. However, if you are trying to create trust, you should always admit when you have done something wrong. The cover up is worse than the crime, and it is particularly true when you want to create an image of a trustworthy person.

2. Do what you say you will do

If you want to earn trust you can easily do it with consistent, dependable and reliable behavior. Always keep your promises. Most people try to do so, but they easily fall through the cracks. Try to minimize these mistakes and you will soon build trust.

3. Listen mindfully

Mindfulness is the ability to observe without judging. Think of the people you find most trustworthy. Those are the people who are willing to listen to you always. Mindful listening is so rare nowadays, but it is not impossible to learn.

4. Show interest

Showing interest helps strengthen relationships and build trust. It is also very important for developing rapport. You can do so by being curious and inquisitive, but honestly. Once the person sees your sincerity, you will earn their trust.

5. Be prompt

Poor time management is never excusable. Some people see it as a sign of disrespect. If you don’t hold yourself accountable, someone else will. Poor time management skills will also cause a feeling of doubt in others who will question everything you say regardless of your intentions.

6. Communicate openly

Being honest and open is often uncomfortable. But, open communication is much easier as long as you define your intentions, you are polite and if you listen carefully. Good communication is the most important part of building trust.

7. Resolve conflicts swiftly

Conflicts are usually counterproductive to building trust. It is very important to quash them quickly and efficiently. Then next time someone gets angry at you, whether it is at work, or a stranger on the street, smile politely and nod. You are very likely to get positive responses to this behavior.

8. Be exemplary

Establishing trust is easier if you exemplify this behavior. Making the conscious decision to be honest, responsible and sincere all the time will let others know they can trust you.