Home Health 8 foods that remove can.cer cells

8 foods that remove can.cer cells

1. Sweet potatoes – demolish can.ce.r cells

Sweet potatoes have a very strong ability to get rid of canc3r cells.

In particular, purple sweet potatoes have the ability to remove canc3r cells. It is reknown that scientists have mixed extracts from cooked purple sweet potatoes with canc3r cells, and found that the canc3r cells were inhibited from growing.

Therefore, it is recommended that people should eat a medium-sized purple sweet potato for lunch or dinner to enhance health and combat canc3r.

2. Eggplant – A good medicine against canc3r

In ancient China, it was reported that “autumn eggplant roots treat tumors”. There are more and more evidences proving that eggplant has anti-canc3r effects.

Eggplant consists of glycosides solanine, cucurbitacin, stachydrine, choline, basil, saponin and many types of biological alkalis which have anti-canc3r properties. It is also high in nutrients, except for vitamin A and C, which are slightly low, the vitamins and minerals are similar to tomatoes.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the foods containing a large amount of sulforaphane that increases enzymes that protect the body and eliminate carcinogens.

Prevention: breast, liver, lung, prostate, stomach, bladder cancer.

How to use: This is a very easy-to-use food. You can eat it with anything from salad to pizza.

4. Radish – Remove the carcinogenic effects of nitrosamine

There are many types of radish, but all of them have the ability to combat canc3r.

So in winter, you should eat a lot of radishes. These have the function of preventing canc3r, expanding the lungs, dissolving phlegm, and diuresis.

The spicy taste of radish comes from mustard oil, which can en intestinal peristalsis and promote the expulsion of carcinogens.

5. Tomatoes

This juicy fruit is a great source of lycopene which gives tomatoes their red color. Lycopene can prevent the development of endometrial canc3r cells – a type of cancer that causes nearly 8,000 deaths each year according to research results.

Prevention: endometrial, lung, prostate and stomach canc3r.

How to use: Tomatoes have the greatest effect when cooked, because the heating process helps the body absorb more lycopene.

6. Pumpkin – Hinders canc3r-causing substances

In some countries, pumpkin is known as “magic pumpkin”, because it is both a food and a dish. Pumpkin helps prevent obesity, diabetes and high blood fat, high cholesterol. It is high in vitamin A, so ordinary people cannot imagine.

In addition, pumpkin is rich in vitamin C, calcium and fiber, and also consists of tryptophan.

7. Pomegranate – Lessens prostate canc3r

World research shows that substances such as Phenylpropanoids, Hydrobezoic acids, flavonoids and fatty acids in pomegranate juice will reduce prostate canc3r cells and reduce the metastasis of cancer cells.

8. Turmeric – inhibits breast, uterine, colon canc3r cells

For thousands of years, turmeric has been used in India as crucial herbal spice. The UK National Institute of Health has carried out 24 studies on the effects of turmeric, the most essential component of which is curcumin.