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8 Hidden Things Which Make Ladies Attractive To Men

8 Hidden Things Which Make Ladies Attractive To Men

1. A Sense of Humor

Most men feel that a woman’s attractiveness is determined by her sense of humor. Men are more attracted to a woman who finds humor funny than to her having her own sense of humor.

2. Personality traits such as openness, kindness, and assertiveness.

Regardless of attractiveness or body size, men prefer women who have positive personality traits such as openness, kindness, and assertiveness.

3. Tilt of the head

Yes, the way you tilt your head can make you more or less attractive to other people. Men were more often attracted to women who tilted their head at a slightly forward angle so that they looked upwards.

4. Adventurous

Most men are attracted to a woman who is adventurous and willing to take some minor risks. A woman who is willing to try new things and take some reasonable risks is much more attractive than a woman who doesn’t want to have big or small adventures.

5. Loud Voice

Most men find a higher-pitched voice more attractive than a lower voice. This seems to remain true even when women are trying to be more attractive.

6. Good hair

Many men are attracted to a woman with good hair. Most men look at the hair first. Most men are attracted to a woman with long, flowing hair that they can run their fingers through and play with. Men are also attracted to a woman with thicker or curly hair.

7. The Right Walk

The way a woman walks can also be considered attractive or unattractive. A gait that swings the hips back and forth is considered the best type of walk. Some women have this gait naturally, while other women can only walk downward when wearing high heels.

8. Time to put together the women’s team.

Women appear even more attractive in groups, calling this the “cheerleading effect.”