Home relationship 8 Signs He Secretly Wants You To Have A Baby With You

8 Signs He Secretly Wants You To Have A Baby With You

8 Signs He Secretly Wants You To Have A Baby With You

1. He doesn’t get upset when children cry in public

A man who is ready to have a baby will look sympathetic or offer words of encouragement to parents when children are crying. On the other hand, if he is not ready to have a baby, he will be annoyed and get angry at the crying children around him.

2. He has started having fun with his friends’ children.

Has your partner started to enjoy seeing his nieces and nephews’ or friends’ children because they are so much fun to play with? Yes, they are in baby mode.

3. He or she has started noticing kids everywhere.

If your partner suddenly notices all the adorable kids around him and points them out to you, when before he wouldn’t give them a glance, it may be a sign that he has baby fever.

4. He is casual about birth control

It’s not possible to make babies when using protection, so if he doesn’t seem bothered about not using birth control and instead has a “if it happens, it happens” attitude, it’s because he’s buying into the idea of fatherhood.

4. Financial security is important to him

Raising children can be very expensive, so being financially prepared is crucial. A telltale sign that he’s ready for a baby is that he’s paying off debts and saving money instead of spending it on unnecessary things.

5. He talks in terms of “when” not “if.”

A man who is ready to start a family will start using the word “when” and firmly express his desire to have children with you.

6. Family traditions have taken on a whole new meaning for him

If family traditions have become increasingly important to him recently and he talks about passing those same traditions on to his own children, then fatherhood is on his radar.

7. His support is rock solid

He may not have always been the one you could count on, but lately he’s always there for you. If you need anything, he’s there at a moment’s notice. Sometimes you don’t even have to ask him for help – he already senses what you need before you even say it. His soul becomes more and more attuned to yours as he prepares for fatherhood.

8. He thinks you’ll be an excellent mother

He makes his feelings clear to you and there is no doubt in his mind that you will be an excellent mother. More importantly, he wants to be the one to support you along the way.