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8 Signs Your Man Would Be All-In With A Long-Term Relationship And Never Going To Stop Loving You

8 Signs Your Man Would Be All-In With A Long-Term Relationship And Never Going To Stop Loving You

1. He is totally committed to you and your relationship together.

Being present during the good times is easy. It’s when things get tough that you both stick together. He really wants to go all in with you. He is sure to be with you and doesn’t want to keep entertaining any other possibility.

2. He doesn’t avoid trouble.

He never just walks away from fights and arguments. If something is bothering him within the relationship, he speaks to you carefully and respectfully. He will always be willing to face the problems he has head on. He knows that this is the only way to really ensure the longevity of your romance.

3. He is intelligent and wise.

He sees things from an objective point of view, and is able to give you great advice with any situation you face. He constantly puts himself in your shoes, so that you understand exactly what you’re going through, and doesn’t put you off with half-hearted clichés. And you just know that he will impart great words of wisdom to your future children.

4. He wants you to feel good about yourself.

He is always in the business of boosting your self-confidence. He always wants to make sure that your self-esteem is on point. He really loves you and sees you as such a valuable person. And that’s why it’s so important to him that you’re really able to see yourself in the same light.

5. He makes your problems his own.

If something bothers you, it bothers him. He will take on your problems and try to figure out ways to solve them, or at least get through them with the least amount of pain possible.

6. He laughs at his mistakes.

He knows that everyone makes mistakes, and is able to shrug off yours easily. If you disappoint him in any way, he won’t hold it against you. He may be thoughtful and sensitive, but he will never make you feel bad for unintentionally hurting his feelings.

7. He takes his own mistakes seriously.

When he causes you pain, he will do anything to fix it. Until he really feels he has fixed it, the pain will weigh heavily on his shoulders.

8. He remains patient and understanding with you.

He is always so patient with you whenever you mess up. He never tries to mistreat you or demean you. He doesn’t try to make you feel bad for your imperfections. He never reproaches you for doing something wrong. He stays patient with you and always tries to understand your situation.