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8 Things Your Man Does Which Shows He is Madly in Love With You

Love is not easy and knowing the other person loves you as much as you love them is even more difficult. In order to know if the one we are dating loves us back or not we look for the bigger things, but in reality it is the little things that matter.

If you want to look for the signs to know if he is totally into you or not, look for these things.

1) He Dresses Up Nicely

This does not necessarily means he wear his best cloths every time just for you.it clearly shows he is actually making an effort to impress you and make you happy.

2) He will show his Jealousy

Men Generally like to hide their jealousy, but if he shows any form of jealousy After you ,that.means he really like you because it rare to see men’s showing their jealousy behavior After woman.

3) Reviling His Deepest Secrets

80% of men don’t tell people some part of themselves ,They’ll rather keep and reserve their Deepest ,intimate ,Darkest and Dirtiest secrets to someone they really love and trust .that is the special woman they truly have affection for.

4) He Admits His feeling For You

70% of men hate putting their feelings out there except they can no longer hold it with themselves. so if he spill his heart out to you , you have to believed him he really mean it.

5) Indulging Your Excesses

50 Percents of Men does not tolerate bad manners or attitude ,but if he likes you he will always let you get away with alot more than you should.Things some people like is friends and Colleagues won’t get away with. This is not an excuse to maltreat a man or Hurt is Ego.

6) Food and Domestic activities

He can go a long way by cooking for you always because he doesn’t want you to go through stress, Even engaging in your Domestic chores that belong to you, he will surely make it his duties to help you out always.

7) He goes Goofy and Try Crazy thing to Make you happy.

Men always want to be classy with their ego for the whole world, but with you it goes deeper than that he will always show how goofy he his.

8)He will always over look your quirk Flaws

What your friends laugh at you and complain about, he will always find it cute and endearing

Reference: ng.opera.news