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8 ways that he shows his love without actually saying ‘I Love You’

Not everyone is comfortable opening up about their affections and feelings. Men have faced social conditioning to hide their feelings, so it can sometimes be tough to tell if a man is into you. Additionally, men show love differently than women, demonstrating it in action instead of speaking the words.

Luckily, body language and nonverbal communication can often speak louder than any words can! Here are 8 ways men show love without saying it.

1. He’ll do anything for you without thinking about it twice.

Even if he’s tired or doesn’t have the time, whenever you need him he’ll be there in a blink of an eye without you having to ask for it. He’ll keep pursuing you even if you seem unsure and are having doubts but he’ll never give up on you.

2. His kisses are long and passionate.

Who doesn’t love an excellent, lengthy kiss? When he’s continuously initiating these and you can feel the passion each time he does, it is clear that he’s more than just a little excited to be around you.

3. He includes you in his major life decisions.

He values your opinion and trusts your advice. So even if he doesn’t talk to anyone about it, he feels totally safe opening up to you when there’s something on his mind.

4. In challenging times, he’s sticks by you.

Every relationship has ups and downs. This guy stays through the downs. He’s made a commitment and he tries his best to get through whatever is going on. It might be tough, but you both work on the issues. Maybe he frustrates you because he doesn’t like to talk or maybe he avoids confrontation, but one way or the other, it gets worked out.

This guy wants to keep love going and hard times don’t scare him.

5. He wants to be close to you.

He’ll make an effort to be physically close to you as much as possible. He’ll have his hand around your shoulder and he’ll sneak peeks at you from across the room when you’re out with friends, that shows how happy he is that you’re his.

6. He supports your goals and thinks you’re amazing.

This is really the bottom line: He knows you’re the best and relationships mean we can’t have everything our way all the time. He picked you, and you’re fantastic! He knows that. A loving relationship is made up of many pieces and parts. Sure it’s even better with a little romance but love is so much more. Remembering this can help us appreciate our loved ones and open our hearts and minds to a new kind of relationship joy.

7. He talks about future plans.

If your guy discusses his future plans with you and you can see yourself in it then it’s a big sign he’s very much in love with you and is taking your relationship seriously.

8. He talks to his friends about you.

He’s always excited when you two have plans with his friends because he loves showing you off. You can tell he talks about you to them and his future plans with you.