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9 simple ways to make him miss you and want you more

9 simple ways to make him miss you and want you
1. Give him space

This doesn’t mean you should completely ignore him, but avoid bombarding him with constant messages or phone calls.

Instead, focus on your own life and interests, and give him the chance to miss your presence.

2. Be unpredictable

Excitement and spontaneity attract men, so keep him guessing by being unpredictable. Make him surprised with a thoughtful gesture the next time you see him or suggest a spontaneous date night. Even a flirty text out of the blue will do the trick.

This is a good way to keep him on his toes and make him eager to see what you’ll do next.

4. Don’t always be available

If you’re always available at his beck and call, he’ll quickly get used to it and may take you for granted. Instead, be selective about when you’re available to him.

This will make him appreciate the time he does get to spend with you and miss you when he’s had enough alone time.

5. Be confident

Show your man that you are a feminine woman that is comfortable in her own skin and understands her worth.

When a man sees a woman who is confident and self-assured, he will be attracted to her. Confidence will not just improve your dating life but also lead to a healthy relationship.

6. Leave him wanting more

Don’t always give in to his requests or demands and reveal everything about yourself right away. Keep some things a little mystery, and let him uncover them slowly over time. This will keep him intrigued and leave him wanting more.

7. Flirt with him

Use playful banter and flirt with him subtly to keep things exciting. Whether it’s through text messages or in person.

Being fun and playful is among the easiest ways to keep him thinking about you and eager to see you again.

8. Be Supportive

Men appreciate women who support them in their goals and dreams as their best friend would. Encourage him to pursue his passions and be his biggest cheerleader when he shares something with you.

This will make him feel valued and appreciated, and he’ll miss your support when you’re not around.

9. Keep things exciting

When being in love with a new man, keep things exciting. The best way to do that is by trying new activities together, going on adventures, or exploring new parts of town. This will create special memories and get him excited for the next time you hang out.