Home Tricks-Tips With the old candle trick, limescale will remain just a distant memory

With the old candle trick, limescale will remain just a distant memory

The candle trick is explained by cleaning professionals: goodbye limescale with just one simple gesture.

Candle and tap

How many times does limestone take up space and embrace all the taps in the house? There are many natural methods to eliminate it, but the candle method is the oldest and worth trying. A great ally discovered by chance and now used to act as a barrier against limestone. Let’s find out together how to use it?

How limescale is formed: the causes

Limescale on taps is a common problem that affects many homes. The presence of whitish or yellowish deposits on the surfaces of taps can compromise not only the aesthetics of our sinks and showers, but also their correct functioning over time.

One of the main causes of buildup on faucets is hard water. Hard water contains high concentrations of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. During daily water use, these minerals can build up on the surfaces of faucets, creating layers of limescale that can be difficult to remove. The harder the water, the greater the tendency for it to form.

Limestone house

Another factor that contributes to the formation is the accumulation of residues from soap and other body care products. These residues can mix with the minerals in the water and create a solid compound that settles on the faucets. Furthermore, the presence of humidity and variable temperatures in the areas of the faucet favors the proliferation of bacteria and fungi, which can accelerate this process.

Failure to clean your faucets regularly can also contribute. If you do not remove deposits in a timely manner, they will progressively accumulate and become more difficult to eliminate. Furthermore, the use of inappropriate or abrasive detergents can damage the surfaces of the taps and increase the formation of limescale in the long term.

Candle trick to eliminate all traces

Fortunately, there are effective solutions to combat the formation of limescale on taps. Firstly, it is advisable to use filters or water softeners to reduce the presence of minerals in the water we use.

However, there is an unusual but effective remedy to combat limescale: candle wax.

First of all, it is important to understand how candle wax works to counteract this formation. The wax creates a thin, protective film on the surfaces of the taps, preventing the build-up of limescale deposits. This layer of protection also makes subsequent cleaning easier, reducing the effort required to remove limescale.

Ancient candle trick

To apply the wax, light an unscented white candle and let it burn for a few minutes to obtain a small amount of melted wax. Then, we blow out the candle and wait for the wax to cool slightly, but without solidifying completely. At this point, we gently rub the wax on the surface of the tap, completely covering all the affected parts.

After applying the wax to the taps, let it solidify completely. The wax will form a thin, transparent film on the surface of the taps, offering protection against the formation of limescale.