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My Daughter Wants Me to Take Care of Her Kids After Abandoning Me

It is a huge advantage to have our relatives care after our children while we work, especially if they do not charge us anything. However, is it reasonable to expect this assistance from our parents after all of our disagreements with them?

My daughter Amy never cared about me since she turned 18. She excluded me from her life events, like her graduation, her engagement, and so on. So we barely talk to each other.

She has two boys now and she recently reached out to me. I was surprised and we had a conversation. After some time, Amy started to whine about how hard it was to raise her kids without any help.

She asked me to babysit them on Saturdays and be a good grandparent. I told her that she had destroyed our bond a long time ago and I can’t take care of her kids now.

She called me selfish and blocked me everywhere. Was I wrong to refuse to help my daughter with the kids after everything that happened between us?

I would appreciate your input and your helpful advice.