Hannah’s sister-in-law, Melissa, pushed her to pay a $1,470 food bill, promising to compensate her but never doing so. Hannah was weary of Melissa’s deceitful behavior and resolved to teach her a lesson.

First, Hannah informed the dealership about Melissa’s terrible credit, which delayed her luxury automobile purchase. She then instructed a bakery to demand an upfront payment for Melissa’s pricey birthday cake, generating even more aggravation. Hannah also changed the password on her brother Brandon’s Amazon account, which locked Melissa out.

Hannah told family and friends about Melissa’s unpaid shopping bill for her birthday, which resulted in an almost empty celebration. Hannah’s “gift” was a card with a $14.70 gift card, a little token for Melissa’s next shopping excursion.

Brandon was humiliated and frustrated by Melissa’s behavior, which finally opened his eyes. He contacted Hannah, admitting Melissa’s deception and planning a serious chat with her about their future. Hannah thought that by doing these measures, her brother would finally realize Melissa for who she was.