Home News Mom left horrified after discovering red ‘sauce’ in child’s Burger King order

Mom left horrified after discovering red ‘sauce’ in child’s Burger King order

A mother was frightened after going out to eat with her toddler and making a terrible find in the food.

Tiffany Floyd took her four-year-old to the Burger King drive-thru in Getzville, New York, on Friday afternoon.

However, when the lunch arrived, she was surprised to discover that it was covered in a’red fluid’.

While the most obvious source of this at a fast food restaurant would be tomato ketchup, Tiffany stated that her daughter deliberately requested no ketchup.

Tiffany was astonished when she saw what was covering the bag and the food, and she instantly urged her daughter to spit it out.

That’s because the scarlet fluid covering the bag and food resembled blood.

Tiffany described the upsetting encounter to the New York Post.

Tiffany Watson via New York Post

She stated, “All I heard was, ‘Mom, I don’t want ketchup,’ so I grabbed her bag, thinking they had botched up our order again, and I looked, and there was just blood all over her hamburger and the wrapper.

“I looked inside the bag, there’s blood on her toys, everything.”

The mother from Sanborn near Buffalo continued, “So I immediately urged her to vomit out her meal. She did eat fries and some of her hamburger.

“And then I looked at my meal, and there was blood on mine too.”

When she returned to the restaurant and spoke with the management, she claimed that they verified there was likely to be blood.

She added: “And that he was so sorry, and if I came back, he would refund me.”

Tiffany then rushed to her daughter seen by a doctor as she had eaten some of the food before they spotted the problem.

She said that her daughter would have a wait of 30 days before she was able to see a paediatrician.

Tiffany Watson via New York Post

“And then get her blood work done every so often for a year to see if something comes up,” Tiffany added.

While the manager did say a cook had an injury, they didn’t specify which employee.

Tiffany said: “If they just make him go and get tested, my daughter would not have to get pricked.”

Burger King issued an official statement regarding the incident, saying: “We were profoundly surprised and concerned to learn of this incident. We have contacted the Guest and are working with her to fix the situation.

“This occurrence occurred as a result of a restaurant crew member injuring his finger and instantly stepping away when he noticed it. We closed the restaurant to retrain all of the employees and hired an outside company to conduct a thorough cleaning.

“We expect the restaurant to re-open Monday and are fully paying team members for any lost shifts during this temporary shut down.”