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Woman Becomes One Of The Only Great-Great-Great-Grandmothers In The United Kingdom At 86 Years Old

Family is extremely important to a lot of people in the world.

For one family in Scotland, family is everything. Their family is incredibly tight-knit and each member is very important to each other.

One woman by the name of Mary Marshall is the oldest member of her family, and she has helped create six generations, who are all alive at the same time. The incredible woman has eight children of her own and as of June 15, 2021, has 90 grandchildren. Just imagine what their dinner table looks like during the holidays!

Their big family is not just a joyous celebration for the members, but for the country of Scotland as the Marshall family is the only known family in the country to have six living generations. In fact, they are the only known family across the United Kingdom to do so. They reached this milestone in May 2021 when the youngest member of their family was born.

Mary Marshall, 86, is the oldest member, with the youngest being just a few weeks old.

Ms Marshall was born four years before World War Two began and has since had eight children, as well as a whopping 90 grandchildren.

The women are all on the same side of the family and appear to have a lot in common, as they all (with the exception of new mother Toni-Leigh Aitken) work or have worked as carers for the NHS.

The super-sized family was the result of all of them all having children and, coincidentally, they all gave birth aged 18 or younger.

At 68-years-old, Rose Thorburn is Ms Marshall’s eldest daughter – who has four children including mum-of-three Chyrel Borthwick, aged 50.

In 1985, Ms Borthwick gave birth to Carrie Dow, now 35-years-old, who also has four children including 17-year-old Ms Aitken.

On May 25 this year, Ms Marshall became Scotland’s only great-great-great grandma when Ms Aitken gave birth to 6lb 14oz Nyla Ferguson.

Due to the size of her family, Ms Marshall, from Edinburgh, says she is forgiven for not buying each and every member a birthday and Christmas present as she’d spend “half the year doing so”.

All of the family live in or around Edinburgh, Scotland – making it easy for them see each other. Along with their strong bond and love for one another, this family has another reason to visit each other. They can now celebrate being record breakers as they are the only known family in Scotland to have six generations all alive at the same time.


Source: apost.com, express.co.uk