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Dad was stunned by note furnace repairman left on receipt about newborn after emergency call

Note by Furnace Repairman Left On Receipt About Newborn After Emergency Call Leaves Father Shocked

A new baby is always a lot of work. Once you have a child, you place their needs first. As any new parent knows, having a baby is a lot of work. You are constantly worried about whether you are doing everything right and what your child needs.

February 23rd was the day the young parents Jesse and Maria Hulscher welcomed to the world their second baby boy, Adler. This made them happy beyond words. They just couldn’t wait to take their son home from the hospital and introduce him to his brother and the rest of the family. Since the winter was pretty harsh, they knew they had to make the place warm and cozy for the newborn.

Winters in Minnesota are frigid, so a furnace is a vital part of the home. But, they encountered a problem. The furnace in the house stopped working in the middle of the freezing weather, and just before the arrival of Maria and the baby.

Luckily, the newborn did not have to put up with the freezing temperatures. Maria and Adler were both still at the hospital.

Unfortunately, Jesse was at home with their 2-year-old son, Henrick. Jesse was getting the home ready for his wife and baby when the furnace stopped working. He instantly started to panic.

While a toddler is better able to handle the cold better than a newborn, the frigid temperatures could still hurt Henrick’s health. With a newborn about to come home and a snow storm on the way, Jesse had to do something fast.

Jesse immediately called Magnuson Sheet Metal to see if they could fix the furnace before the storm hit. When he talked to the co-owner, Craig Aurand, Jesse told him how urgent it was.

In just 20 minutes, a technician was at the door.

Aurand remembers getting the call because Jesse was so concerned. Jesse told Aurand about the newborn baby and the broken furnace. As soon as Aurand heard about the problem, he immediately wanted to help.

Thankfully, the technician was quickly able to fix the problem. The home had heat again, and it was just in time. Soon, Maria and Adler were back at home. Jesse and Maria were both impressed by how fast the furnace was fixed, but they were even more amazed by the bill.

The company repaired the furnace in no time. The heating was on again and now everything was prepared for the big moment.

But, acting quickly and efficiently wasn’t the only thing about the company that stunned Jesse. When he asked for the receipt, he has left in awe once again. Instead of listing the amount of money he should have paid, they left a heartwarming note.

“I opened it up and looked at the receipt and it said, ‘no charge, take care of the new baby,’” Jesse said. While Maria recalled, “I was like, ‘what? No. This can’t be real.’ And he’s like, ‘I know I can’t believe it either.’”

Apparently, Magnuson Sheet Metal has a reputation for not charging families in need. They often do small jobs for free around the holidays. Aurand says that they want to be kind and help out the community. Their actions might make the news, but they are not doing it for the publicity. They just want to help out families in their community who are struggling to keep their homes war.

topradio.ro, apost.com