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Woman Shares Scary Text After Rejecting a Man And It’s A Perfect Example Of T.o.x.i.c Masculinity

Woman Shares Scary Text After Rejecting a Man And It’s A Perfect Example Of Toxic Masculinity

I believe most of us have received at least one text message that was so absurd, obscene, and awkward that we didn’t know how to respond to it (and if we should respond to it in the first place). Well, a few drinks can bring out the worst in humanity at 3 am.

One woman recently decided to share a conversation she had with a guy she dumped on Twitter.

And of course…
One such conversation posted the other day is already racking up an impressive amount of commentary. Let’s just say the writer of this text is rather emotionally unstable, and this poor woman definitely is better off far away.

The text begins with a pretty basic “I’m not really interested in this” message, not overly detailed and polite. There’s two ways you could respond: either ask for further information or say, have a nice life!

That’s not what happened.


“LOL whatever i am glad nothing serious happened between us. If i had to listen to you talk about attack on titan or your dumb game i would have killed myself.”

Oh! That’s a lot.

He continues: “For the record your nose IS big you look exactly the same the gym is not doing ANYTHING for you…Nobody wants anything to do with you…I should have f**ked you, at least I would’ve left with something but instead you wasted 3 dates and left me with nothing but blue balls.”

“I wish you the worst,” he says. “I hope nothing works out for you I hope he hurts you I hope you stay alone.”

Then the kicker: the next morning, we have a chipper, “Good morning!”

Of course, he opens up the next day by saying good morning. How pathetic!

That’s not what happened.

The key is to NOT RESPOND to these people, ever! DO NOT RESPOND. This person is UNWELL.

Many Twitter users discussed how this was a classic example of toxic masculinity and men unable to deal with rejection.

Source: ruinmyweek.com, gucmakale.com