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“He Has His Rent, Electricity For His Room, And Internet”: Mom Charges Her 7-Year-Old Rent And Bills, Divides The Internet

“He Has His Rent, Electricity For His Room, And Internet”: Mom Charges Her 7-Year-Old Rent And Bills, Divides The Internet

Every parent wants to do right by their children, and sometimes that means making decisions that their kids may not understand at the time. This can often be related to financial choices, such as asking for one’s children to pay bills to help around the house.

A school of thought is that teaching children about bills early on can show them valuable lessons about life, related to earning and spending money, all before they’ve even left the safety of the family nest. In a way, it could actually be doing the child a huge favor.

One mother believes it’s never too early to teach kids this lesson, so she’s begun charging her 7-year-old son for rent and utilities. But her method isn’t about actually having her son pay her for the bills, it’s all about teaching him the value of a dollar through an innovative approach.

Each day, her son has a basic checklist to complete.

When he accomplishes those tasks, he’s given $1 per day. At the end of the month, he pays a set amount for rent, electricity and internet usage, while he has the remainder to spend as he pleases. In all, he’s able to “earn” around $30 each month, while his “bills” are fixed at $9, making sure they don’t go over 30%. With the bill money the mother collects, she puts it straight into a savings account for her son to access one day when he’s older.

The mom then explains that she doesn’t do anything with his money except for put it straight into his savings account, before adding:

“It has taught him the value of a dollar and responsibility.”

She goes on to say she’s so pleased with how the method is working out and that hopefully, it will help others out there. After she posted the video it went viral, garnering over 2.7 million views. After receiving a lot of further questions, the woman released a follow-up video explaining some of the details further. In her part two video, she shows her son’s task list, which includes:

“Make the bed, brush your teeth, clean your bathroom, put your dirty clothes in the bin.”

She follows this up, stating:

“If I see he’s being challenged in any area, for instance, if he gets out of the shower, drops the towel right next to the towel hook, it’s going on his task list next week.”

While she hasn’t run into the problem of her son not paying his bills yet, she does mention that if it happens she says she believes she’ll “give an extension for the next month and then have that conversation at that time.”

It’s certainly an innovative approach to teaching children about handling money and with experts suggesting it’s never too early to begin doing so, it could be worth trying out.

The mother says the method is working very successfully to teach her son about the value of money, so she decided to share it via TikTok, where it went viral.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video


Source:  apost.com