Home Health 5 Annoying Things Women Do In front Of Their Men!

5 Annoying Things Women Do In front Of Their Men!

5 Annoying Things Women Do In front Of Their Men!

Women can impress you with their looks, their charm, and their fashion sense. Some may be too concerned with how they act in front of men and end up acting like someone they are not. Others have no boundaries when it comes to the inappropriate.

There are some completely unpleasant things that should be kept private. Check out these 5 nasty things that women still do in front of their men.

1. Pop pimples

The first thing that comes to mind when we look in the mirror and see a pimple on our face is to pop it. Fight back and take control, the inner voices always say. Those inside voices sometimes get the better of us and we go crazy to get that satisfying feeling of removing that pimple.

Some women push the limit and would pop the biggest pimples in front of any man they are attracted to. Most men will always associate certain women with popping pimples and it has always been that way for a long time.

2. Picking your nose

Didn’t your parents teach you to use a tissue when your nose is getting a little stuffy? The sight of a woman searching her nostrils for gold is not the most attractive place, especially to a man who is trying to impress, because it comes across as impolite.

Everyone picks their nose or has picked their nose at some point. Some women don’t even hide it and simply go out looking for the biggest gold nugget in their nose. But it takes another level of courage to do that in front of a man.

3. Farting in front of your men

There are specific places where releasing fumes can be considered funny and hilarious. But letting rip on a date is considered a no-go zone. This also applies to some guys who think it’s impressive or funny to fart in front of a girl. Just in case they don’t know, they have to keep it to themselves.

No one wants to hear it or even worse, smell it. With a long-term partner, it may be okay once in a while, but don’t make it a habit. It may be natural, but very distasteful.

4. Choose your panties

It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing your most comfortable panties, because chances are you can still get wedges without even noticing. What matters is how can you get out of a situation in your pants? No one wants to see you dancing around trying to pick out a wedge.

If you feel uncomfortable and you’re standing in front of a guy, excuse yourself and take care of him in the bathroom. If you think it’s okay to pull up your pants in front of a guy, an embarrassing nickname to be given to him and it won’t be a good nickname.

5. Complaining about your periods

Girls should not be ashamed of the natural processes going on in their bodies. Most guys know the struggle of femininity that goes on in one week of every month. If you are lucky, some guys will even bring you chocolate and ice cream about that certain “period” of the month.

If you are meeting a guy, don’t give away too much information about this particular subject. Bring it if you can, but be aware that most guys don’t really understand the process and don’t want to hear all the details.
