Home Life As a man, NEVER be tempted to do these 4 things for...

As a man, NEVER be tempted to do these 4 things for woman

The majority of men act childish when they are really in love and this has cost them a great deal. Pleasing a woman is not bad but over doing it makes one stupid. As a man, be smart enough to read in between the lines to know what’s favorable and what’s not.

We are not saying you shouldn’t be romantic, being romantic is a good thing but not to the detriment of yourself and you should know that, just since something might be done in the name of love does not make it the right thing to do and these are the few you should try as much as possible to avoid or never be tempted to do for a woman, regardless.

1. Reject Your Family Because Of Her

A family is everything and no matter what, you can’t reject them because your woman doesn’t like them. It will be very dangerous on your part to reject your family all because of a woman.

2. Give Up On Your Dreams To Satisfy Her

So there are many men out there who gave up on their dreams to help their woman achieve theirs or were discouraged by women. These same women dumped them afterwards. Never do this after reading this.

3. Change Your Appearance

These days, there are many men doing a lot, taking pills to make changes to their bodies all because they feel that’s what women love. Changing you to please a woman means the moment you stop trying she’ll go, ideally, people you be with should love you for who you are.

4. Steal For Her

Obviously, we all know where this will end you and by the time you will be back, someone might have taken your place. Never allow anything to push you to steal in order to please your woman because if she later finds out you actually stole a gift for her, she might drop you, unless of course, you are in it together like Bonny and Clyde.

Source: youngmaya.com