Home Life How to become the woman no man wants to leave

How to become the woman no man wants to leave

Many relationships are like fairy tales at first. When you first begin your affair, you totally pay your attention to your partner and you try to do anything to please him. But with time, when the first ray of attraction fades away, you will not find the initial happiness that was there and that is the time when conflicts begin to rise.

Most of these issues are created not because your partner cheats on you or have lost interest in you. but those issues are the result of improper communication, indifference, and your self-love. When you don’t get a call from him for hours, you will get mad at him in the very next time he calls you. but, why couldn’t you call him and say that you miss him and that you love him a lot? Well, most of the relationships break up because of these petty things.

We expect our partners to come after us and dedicate their whole time and attention for us. Yet, by changing the way that you think you can do miracles in your relationship.

So, here are a few things that you can do to make your relationship a better one and to be the woman that no man will ever like to let go.

1. Do not lose your temper

This is one of the biggest relationship ruining things: anger. If people are in love, there can be no place for anger, because you would by default not do something that angers the other person.

And look, he will lose his temper; he is bound too. And one day you might snap. But till you reach that point of no return, try harder than usual to keep things cool and collected.

This is one of the hallmarks of not only a healthy relationship but also one of the benchmarks of being a wise human being.

2. Show your intelligence.

Most men prefer their women to be intelligent. They don’t simply enjoy the looks of women but also their brain. They are aware of the fact that life gets much easy with an intelligent woman and therefore, show your wits and spark a laughter in your relationship.

3. Be honest and Be supportive.

Think how you would feel if he is not honest with you? The same feelings are valid for him too. Even he doesn’t like when you lie and try to pretend with him. Always say the truth no matter how hard it is. That will lay a strong foundation for a life-long relationship.

The biggest gift that any woman can give their man is the support that he needs. Always try to understand who he is and try to be supportive of all the possible circumstances. You can motivate him to reach for his aims and let him know that you will always be there for him no matter how bad things can be.

4. Care

Do not be indifferent. Being emotionally unavailable in a relationship is something that is one of the biggest red flags. If you cannot be there for them, what is the use of sharing a romantic bond? Yes, it is a trend to be cool and indifferent, but tell me, what is worth more: a loving relationship or a series of flings that leave you hating yourself and with a bad taste in your mouth?

5. Indulge in humour

Once in a while at least. Yes, given today’s world with its penchant for political correctness, it is difficult to find unadulterated humour anymore, but does not mean you just stop laughing and become a Puritan.

Humour is also one of the biggest things that turns people on. This is because it breaks the walls people construct around themselves and exposes their sweeter vulnerable selves a little.

So try harder to laugh at his silly jokes and crack some yourself.

6. Be confident.

Men love women who are confident about their self. when you are confident about yourself it automatically helps to grow your self-respect and no one will try to humiliate a respectable woman. So, try to be confident about you and about the decisions that you make.

7. Be romantic.

Once the relationship is getting stable, many women ignore the romance and love in their relationship. But it is not something that you should really do. Always flirt with him and don’t be shy to say that you miss him. You can make him his favorite dish and having a nice talk with you on a starry night will be much value for him than anything else in the world.

8. Keep the secrets you two share safe

Let’s face it, all of us have plenty of to chitchat with on a daily basis. What separates bae from the rest are the secrets we share with them. They are like bonds we share.

If you let those loose in front of others, doesn’t that speak volumes about your priorities?

Try these things out and your relationships are bound to improve; maybe slowly, but they will.

References: whatzviral.com, dailypositiveinfo.com