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8 Signs Show That Your Relationship Is Built To Last

Are you and your partner meant to go the distance? It can be hard to tell if you don’t know what signs to look for. Of course, you want to make it to gray hair and rocking chairs but not all relationships are strong enough to last. Here are 4 signs that you and your love are going to make it to the end.

1. You trust each other

It’s a big deal if someone puts enough trust in you to devote time to you and open up to you. If you’re going to be with them for a long time, it’s important that you show reverence and respect that bond.

“It is difficult to be vulnerable and share problems with others,” said therapist Kimberly Hershenson. “When a partner is able to open up to you it is important to not break their trust.”

In a relationship, trust is everything. If you feel comfortable and confident that your partner won’t do things to hurt you and is not going to cheat on you, then you may have a winning team.

2. Physical intimacy is strong

Being physical may not be everything, but it is an important way to maintain and even increase your bond. If you and your partner can manage to keep up with the physical intimacy portion of the relationship, you can be confident that you’re made to last.

3. You support each other

The world can be a scary place, and one of the best parts about having a partner is having someone on your side when the going gets tough.

If you feel like your partner believes in your dreams and is there to listen when you need to talk something out, that’s a big part of a long-lasting relationship.

“Asking your partner how they are doing sometimes without even sharing your own personal issues allows you to be completely available to them,” said Hershenson. “Listening to others’ problems and lending an ear is a good way to “get out of your head” and let your partner know you are fully present to listen to them.”

4. You communicate regularly and well

Communication is arguably the most important part of a relationship. If you and your partner know how to talk to one another about everything and anything, that’s a good sign things are looking like forever for the two of you.

5. You hold each other accountable

Partnerships mean being kind, but it also means speaking your truth when they do something that upsets you. Staying quiet doesn’t lead to happiness, so knowing when to call your partner out in a healthy way will only make your love stronger and last longer.

“If your you or your partner is upset with the other person talk it out without getting defensive,” said Hershenson. “Acknowledge what your part was (even if it was simply upsetting them) and discuss what you could do differently in the future.”

If you are both able to admit when you’re wrong, it will cause your fighting time to be cut down and will prevent simple misunderstandings from turning into something much bigger.

6. There is a pure respect in your relationship

It’s not enough to love the person you with and if you don’t respect your partner, that love will eventually go sour. Respect is important and a necessity for long-lasting love.

7. You have similar goals and want the same things

Love is all great and all, but if you and your partner want different things, it’s not going to last. If you’re on the same page about what you want and goals for the future, it’s a good indicator that you’ll make it to where you want to go together.

8. You know how to manage life together

When it comes to chores and bills and all the tedious stuff about day-to-day life, you and your partner smash things every single day. When you’re not feeling up to it, your partner picks up the slack and vice versa. Things are always taken care of when you two are at the helm together.

Reference: bolde.com