Home Health These 4 Signs Indicate You May Be Emotionally ¢нєαтιиg On Your Partner

These 4 Signs Indicate You May Be Emotionally ¢нєαтιиg On Your Partner

These 4 Signs Indicate You May Be Emotionally ¢нєαтιиg On Your Partner

We all know about infidelity and how prevalent it is today, but are you also aware of “emotional infidelity”? Its effects are just as serious as the former. Here are certain signs that the green light is that you are being emotionally unfaithful to your partner.

1. You no longer enjoy being intimate

You could have reached the dry fall in your relationship where you no longer feel like getting physical with your partner. This could, however, be for many reasons – lack of time, arguments, mood, and various other factors. If you feel that you have caught your feelings for someone else in the most minute way and you no longer feel the same attraction to your partner – that is the first sign!

2. You keep comparing your partner to a specific person

No matter what he/she does for you, you simply don’t feel that is enough! You are constantly reviewing the times when a “specific person” would do something a certain way, and you feel that your SO does not match the other. This feeling that your partner is not enough, or rather, not matching the other person you have taken to, will only spiral things in your head.

3. You stop opening up to your partner

After a long, tiring day, you just want to come home to someone you want to share your day with; discussing your work, someone you met after a long time or about what you feel like eating for dinner. If you find yourself in a position where you don’t feel like sharing your day or your milestones with your partner, but are more at peace with going straight to bed – there you are, you are losing interest and that’s another sign you might want to look at!

4. You Fantasize About Someone Else

$3x has already started to get lackluster and you barely get sassy between the sheets. You avoid any chance to get intimate and try to get out of it. But you don’t stop fantasizing about that guy/girl at work you’ve been drooling over or someone you’ve given yourself to very recently. Take note, this may be the time to prioritize what you want!
