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How To Make Any Man Feel A More Intense Desire Of Loving You More

How To Make Any Man Feel A More Intense Desire Of Loving You More

1. Match his level of commitment to you – Don’t Chase his love

If you want him to love you, the best way is for him to have a natural desire to step up and ‘win’ you that comes from within him.

Therefore, inspire him by not devoting yourself to him unless he explicitly ‘latches on’ and devotes himself to you. By maintaining your self-respect and independence until he explicitly says he wants a serious, committed relationship, you make him work harder to keep you and fall in love with you faster.

2. Give him ample space:

Men like to pursue things that are not readily available. This is a general rule of thumb that also applies here. Give him space, so much so that he can’t resist meeting you often. Don’t always say yes to his dating plans, sometimes a no will do wonders for you. This will give him more time to miss you and trust us, you will see him make more plans.

3. Compliment him in the right way

Look, men love flattery. More than anything, men desire the feeling of being desired. When a man hears compliments from his partner, it reinforces that she is attracted to him, which further intensifies his feelings for her.

4. Encourage him.

A big part of burning desire in your partner is to help him feel good about himself. Encourage him in his goals, just as you would encourage a friend. Make sure he knows you are there for him and that you support him.
