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11 acts that show he really cares about you more than you think

All women have faced a situation of being unsure about whether the man she has been seeing likes her or not. So, what are the signs he cares about you? And it is not only for the ones who are dating. Even married women might face similar situations once in a while. So, if you are in such a dilemma, this post is for you. We have put together a list of signs a man usually loves a woman and wants her in his life.

1. He Surprises You (In a Good Way)

We all love surprises. If your guy randomly surprises you, it shows that he’s thinking about you, cares, and it’s an action that speaks louder than words.

2. He listens to you patiently

Most of us like to express and find it difficult to hide our emotions before our loved ones. When you express your feelings for him — whether they are silly, serious, emotional, humorous, or utter nonsense — if he cares for you, he would definitely listen to you patiently. He may not be a very good listener to everyone in his life, but if he is all ears for you, it is a great sign.

3. He Cares About Your Family and Friends

Guys can pick their partners, but they can’t pick the friends and family of their partners. If he goes out of his way to accept your friends and family, he’s a keeper!

4. He Talks About Your Future Together

If your partner talks about the future and includes you in the plans, it’s a sign that he either consciously or subconsciously cares about you more than he’s saying.

5. He Takes Good Care of You

This is an obvious one. You will know if your man is taking good care of you or not. If he is, you need to stop questioning if he cares about you.

6. He prioritizes your happiness

Until someone enters your life, it’s okay to be self-centered and selfish as nobody knows what exactly you need more than yourself. But once you have a partner, it makes sense to know and do what makes them happy, even if it goes against your interest at times. Finding happiness in a partner’s joy is what makes a relationship more beautiful and valuable.

So, if he puts you and your happiness above his and finds pleasure in doing that, he cares for you. More importantly, if he has a self-centric personality but wants to change to accommodate you in his life, he has scored full brownie points.

7. He Is Attentive to You

We all live busy lives and have a phone or some other gadget in our hands almost non-stop. If you have a guy who is more attentive to you than those distractions, that’s awesome.

8. He Is Willing to Go Out of His Way for You

If your man is willing to go out of his way for you, no matter how difficult he finds it to talk to you about how much he cares, this proves he does.

9. He Notices the Small Things

From changing your hairstyle to painting your nails, it feels great to have your guy notice, doesn’t it? It’s a clear indication he cares when he does notice the small things.

10. He is a little possessive

A little jealousy or possessiveness from your closed ones is cute, and it stands true for your guy too. You might find him a little out of the place when you’re with other guys or your close ones. There is nothing wrong with that. Even we do feel a little envious when our partner acts close to another woman. In fact, it is a sign that he may be serious about you.

11. He’s Protective Over You

There is a line between being overly protective, and lovingly protective. As long as he’s trending that line in the right place, being protective is a reassuring sign he cares.