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11 Signs That He Will Leave You Soon, For He No Longer Love You

11 Signs That He Will Leave You Soon, For He No Longer Love You

1. Your gut tells you that something just doesn’t feel right.

You start to feel in your gut that something is wrong in your relationship. Always make sure that you pay attention to your instincts. Remember that your instincts are there to take care of you and keep you safe.

2. Start prioritizing other things over yourself and the relationship.

You begin to notice that your man is starting to prioritize other things over you. In the past, he would always choose to spend time with you than to take more hours at the office. But nowadays, it seems that it’s you who has to be right second.

3. You have a declining or non-existent $€ж life.

Making love is not just about $€ж. It’s about bonding. It’s about boosting those wonderful love hormones and strengthening the trust between you. Unless there is a major medical or psychological issue, $€ж should be as important as saying “I love you.” If nothing is going on in the bedroom, this could be a bad sign.

4. He no longer respects you.

Respect is the thermometer of a relationship!
He will continue to devalue you until he is ready to leave. Lack of respect is not only in name calling, or verbal/physical abuse, but also in neglecting you, or mocking you privately or publicly. It’s hard to trust someone who completely betrays you.

5. He gets upset whenever you ask him for more attention.

In the past, he would do everything he could to make you happy. But now, he gets more and more irritated by your demands and requests. He starts to consider you a burden in his life, and that may mean he no longer wants anything to do with you.

6. You feel as if you are the only one putting in the effort in the relationship.

Relationships will always be about having synergy and equal effort. If you feel like there is an imbalance of effort, then that is a clear sign that one of you is becoming less and less invested in the relationship.

7. Even he admits that you guys deserve someone better than him.

The whole “you guys deserve better than me” gets old very quickly. If the guy really loves you, he should be willing to change – willing to be “that guy” who deserves you. If he makes no effort to change, he’s basically setting you up for a new relationship.

8. He puts his own needs over yours.

When a man falls in love with a woman, his instinct is to put his own needs above yours. He volunteers, gives freely, and strives to pursue her, woo her, and become her boyfriend.

If he stops doing this, something drastic will have happened and he will have lost the joy of supporting her. Something has happened.

9. He no longer discusses future plans with you.

He no longer sees a future with you and so he avoids the subject altogether, or gives little hints that no one knows what might happen in the future. Because he doesn’t really see a future with you at all. This is bad, especially when you really expect your relationship to last for a long time.

10. You stop talking to each other about deep things.

If there is a decline in the quality of your conversations, then this is also a sign that things are not going so well in the relationship. Yes, there is always room for some small talk within a relationship, but most conversations should actually take on some depth and meaning.

11. You both refuse to make substantial compromises for the good of your relationship.

And lastly, if you just refuse to make compromises for each other, then you are essentially dooming your relationship. You are just letting your partner know that you don’t care what they want or how they feel, and that you would never be willing to make compromises or sacrifices for the sake of the relationship.

Source:relrules.com, love.allwomenstalk.com, bonobology.com, lovedevani.com