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If Your Guy Does These 14 Things, Congrats! You Found a Real Man

If Your Guy Does These 14 Things, Congrats! You Found a Real Man

Almost every woman dreams of finding the perfect man who has all the qualities she demands he has. However, it is not that easy to find a person who has everything you want and need. Still, you should not lose hope, instead start by learning the difference between boys and men.

Try to find a man who speaks his mind, has a sense of humor, who is not ashamed to show his love, and who dresses and speaks well.

These are the qualities that a true gentleman should possess:

1. A true gentleman pays attention to his personal hygiene, including trimming his nose hair and cleaning his nails.

2. This man has a strong character, a career and personal life, and is also sophisticated.

3. A gentleman does not wait too long to call a woman. He calls her to invite her to dinner; he makes the reservations and has a great time.

4. A true gentleman tells a girl whether or not he is interested. If he is not, he always makes sure she knows that he had a great time with her. He appreciates her time and tells her that he is not interested in the relationship becoming more serious.

5.This man reads a lot of books and newspapers; he is well informed and has his own opinion about everything. He knows that not everything he reads or hears is fact, so he values the opinion of someone who disagrees with him. He even likes to engage in a good debate.

6.The real man is a true gentleman who shows a woman that he cares about her by opening the door for her or taking her coat.

Not because he feels a woman is weak, but because he is strong enough to show that he cares about the comfort of those around him.

7. He may want to get into a woman’s bed, but he is also interested in getting inside her head.

Experience has shown him that seduction is a delicate dance, and the man who resides in her mind has conquered all her other parts.

8. Although he likes to know that a woman likes him, he doesn’t want to be pursued, instead preferring to be in charge of the courtship himself.

9. He loves an independent woman who is financially stable to pay her own bills and expenses. This type of woman is the one he wants by his side.

10. This is a woman who will love him for his character and personality rather than his financial status.

11. This man prefers a woman who shares the same qualities he has, such as having a career hobby, family and close friends.

12. He knows who he is, what he wants and what he doesn’t want. He highly appreciates honesty and believes that if he can be honest with himself, he can also be honest with others.

13. He takes great pride in the woman he is with and is not afraid to show it through his appearance or performance.

14. A gentleman is a man, not a boy. He wants to find the perfect woman for him, not a girl. He tries to find the woman who shares with him the same qualities but also has something to teach him. He doesn’t settle for anything, he takes his time looking for the right woman and once he finds her, he will fight for her. And when the woman finds the man with the right qualities, she should be happy to have someone like that by her side.

Source:awesomequotes4u.com, themindsjournal.com