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7 Signs He’s Not The One You Should Marry, No Matter How Much You Care About Him

7 Signs He’s Not The One You Should Marry, No Matter How Much You Care About Him

1. You don’t feel like a priority in his life.

In a relationship, you need to feel you are his priority. This is how you know your partner has your back, no matter what. If you don’t feel this way, you will have a hard time trusting him.

2. He is αddíctєd to something.

If he has any form of αddíction, don’t marry him.

Drugs, alcohol, or pornography are all possibilities. Addiction has the potential to destroy a family. You may find yourself in debt. Your heart could be broken.

3. He doesn’t always tell the truth.

It is important to be honest in a relationship. This is how trust is built. This is the foundation of a relationship. Even if the lie seems small, it will make you question the relationship. If he lied to you and you stayed with him, then you need to ask yourself why? Most of the time, a lie is built on a

4. He feels irritated when you try to talk about it.

He gets indignant, defensive, and anxious when the subject of marriage or commitment is brought up.

He knows he doesn’t want to marry you, but he also doesn’t want you to leave, so he resents the fact that you’ve made him realize that he can’t give you everything you want.

5. He rarely says “I love you.”

If he is unable or unwilling to express it, it indicates that he doesn’t take you seriously. Those three words have to be heard. If he’s not hearing them, it’s time to move on.

6. In public, He acts as if your courtship is not important to his friends

If he criticizes your relationship in front of others, it shows that he doesn’t believe in what you have as a pair and is not happy about it.

A guy who doesn’t openly acknowledge that you are in an intense dating relationship is unlikely to plan a wedding where he publicly expresses his love for you.

7. He doesn’t care about you.

You’ll know he’s not for you immediately if he disrespects you, your friends, or even your own family.

8. Your gut tells you that something is wrong.

No matter how much you love him, if your gut tells you something is wrong, it’s because something is wrong. I know you want to be in a loving relationship. That’s how we are interconnected. But, being in the wrong relationship can be worse than being alone.

Source: linkedin.com ng.opera.news, africamediang.com