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10 Signs That A Man Just Isn’t Interested In You Even When You Want To Believe Otherwise

10 Signs That A Man Just Isn’t Interested In You Even When You Want To Believe Otherwise

Here are some signs that a man is not at all interested in being with you:

1. He never contacts you first.

If he likes you, he will be very interested in talking to you whenever he has a free minute. But if you’re always the one making contact first, that’s a sign that while he’s happy to talk to you if you initiate things, he’s not eager enough to contact you.

2. You’re always the one making plans.

Just as you are always the first to text him, you are always the first to suggest that the two of you do something together.

He’s happy to agree if you have no other plans, but he won’t make an effort to arrange things with you or think of ideas for dates you might like.

3. He has a tendency to cancel a lot of things with you.

If he repeatedly cancels and isn’t sure to reschedule for the next possible opportunity, that’s a big warning sign that you should run for the hills. It just goes to show that you don’t care enough for him to actually honor his commitments to you.

4. You seem to be the one who is always going the extra mile between the two of you.

You’re the one who is always adjusting your schedule just so you can fit into his. You’re the one who has to travel so far to be able to see him. You’re the one who’s putting in the extra effort even when he’s not lifting a finger.

5. He acts very inconsistent with you.

One minute he seems super interested in you and is really affectionate, and the next he is not. Sharp moments are likely to occur when he is lonely or insecure. Inconsistency should be a bigger clue for you. If he can’t be consistent, then he’s not taking his feelings for you seriously.

6. You only hear from him when it’s convenient or when he needs something from you.

Otherwise, he acts like you don’t even exist in his life. He’ll go off the grid and you’ll never hear from him.

7. He always makes you wait.

He never stays conscious of your time. Whenever you agree to meet somewhere, he shows up late. Whenever you send him a message, he waits a few hours (or even days) before answering you. He always makes you wait for him because he doesn’t really care how you value your time.

8. He always seems to be too busy for you.

He tends to prioritize other things over you. And that should be a sign that you’re not that important in his life. He never makes you feel like you are the priority.

9. He does little or nothing to keep you in his life.

He doesn’t really give you much incentive to stay with him other than the fact that you are attracted to him. He brings virtually nothing to the table between the two of you.

10. Your friends are telling you that he doesn’t like you.

Yes, you don’t want to make decisions about your love life based solely on what your friends tell you. However, you also have to remember that your friends have your back. They are only looking out for you. Maybe it would be good for you to really consider what they say about him.

Source: aconsciousrethink.com