Home relationship 5 Things You Should Forgive Him For And 5 You Should Never

5 Things You Should Forgive Him For And 5 You Should Never

5 things you should forgive him for and 5 things you should never forgive him for

1. Forgive him for letting you go

Forgive the man who lets you go because he knows that you have no reason to go to the other guy. He knows that you won’t be happy with him and that there is someone out there who will make you happy for a lifetime.

2. Never forgive him for leaving you

Don’t forgive a man for running away from his responsibilities to you. You are not brave enough to walk away, so you decide to stay, the one who ends up becoming a ghost. The man who makes you feel so alone, even though he is sitting right in front of you.

3. Forgive him for not loving you the way you needed to

Forgive him for not loving you the way you need someone to love you because he probably doesn’t know any better. He doesn’t give you tough love because he doesn’t know that sometimes loving someone means telling them what they don’t want to hear.

4. Never forgive him for treating you badly

Never forgive a man for treating you like crap. Don’t forgive the man who looks down on you, who doesn’t respect you, your family and friends, or your goals in life.

5. Forgive him for not loving himself

Forgive him for thinking that he is not good enough because no one told him that he can conquer the world. He doesn’t see himself the way he sees himself because that takes a lot of love, courage, and patience.

6. Never forgive him for being self-centered

Don’t forgive a man for loving himself too much to the point that everything is about him. Don’t forgive a man who makes you feel like a secondary character in your relationship, because if you don’t, you will always come second.

7. Forgive him for breaking your heart

Forgive him for not being able to be the man you need him to be. You don’t have to stay with him. And if you’ve already left him, it’s better if you let him go because you deserve to be happy.

8. Never forgive when he makes you feel bad about yourself

Never Forgive When He Makes You Feel Bad About Yourself. If he makes you feel that you will never be good enough for him, that you need to change who you are to please him, that you are nothing without him. Don’t forgive the man who projects his insecurities onto you. The man who does everything because of you, the man who makes you feel ordinary, the man who makes you feel less than you really are.

9. Forgive him for questioning your character

Forgive him for thinking that you will do him like everyone else has done. Forgive him for allowing your past experiences to shape your future instead of enhancing it. Forgive him for not being completely healed or ready for love.

10. Never forgive him for betraying your trust

Don’t forgive a man who walks all over your trust because not only is he disrespectful, he is toxic. Don’t forgive him for having an emotional affair with someone because things have been tough lately. You are justifying his lack of character and commitment.
